Reminder: No poster in "Literally Criticism" has the talent/drive needed to secure two lucrative contracts in the cutthroat publishing industry.


the l0de radio hour every friday night!
Wasn’t lode’s whole thing that he was trying to fuck with Dan? Wyzz would know better he put them two together
100% had no clue who he was prior to the interview and didn't intend to fuck with him. You can see my genuine surprise in the clip when he gets upset. We're just on different legs of the dark triad so the interview was strained and weird. I suspect both of us were victims of a world-class Wyzzing


I guarantee that I have had more work published and made.more from writing then pat ever has or will. And no I'm not going to dox myself.
We know, Charles.


Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
100% had no clue who he was prior to the interview and didn't intend to fuck with him. You can see my genuine surprise in the clip when he gets upset. We're just on different legs of the dark triad so the interview was strained and weird. I suspect both of us were victims of a world-class Wyzzing
You can stay, but we should ban @medium wyzzz for giving you the password to get in here

@Stent @Phish @chocolatehellhole


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
I have to drive 3.5 miles to my local library to pick up one of Mr. Tomlinson's books and 9 miles to my local Barnes and Noble to purchase one.

To what lengths do I need to go to get a piece of art with your name on it, character?
Sign up to some streaming services or get your ass to the movie theater every now and then, Pal. Or you know, steal them online like everyone else here does.


Which way?! Medium or well done?


Fat bitch with faggot tits
They're decent houses, I think I had one of my less-shit manuscripts rejected by at least one of them. Getting blurbs\reviews in PW also (which you pay for) is a decent sign someone has a reasonable connection in the industry. I haven't read any of his shit, (what good is one hack commenting on another) but it's non trivial to get a book picked up by these people.
Are you the real l0de?

Lol. All your manuscripts are shit and your covers look like garbage. I mean this with no hyperbole or exaggeration and I have read both of your work: You are a worse author than Patrick. Your books are objectively amateurish looking trash. The brass balls on you to try and go after Patrick's output is astounding.


Fat bitch with faggot tits
Dude, he didn't--that was my point. As Dan started getting into Pat's contracts l0de audibly gasped in awe and let it be known those are coveted. Which took wind out of Dan's sails
Sure thing, Mick. Whatever you say. Great bit, huge fan. Very funny.
I'm not talking about book deals. I listened to some of that NPS. L0de and Dan were making fun of Patrick's book covers for looking like trash, when they are far and away the most professional looking part of any of his output.


This is l0des offering. It was one of those rare moments that made me want to defend Patrick. Anyone who is even capable of making me think like that goes straight on the shit list.

As far as the book deals go they are one of my favorite things about Patrick. The motherfucker had a growing fanbase and 6 books with two major publishing houses. It takes a very rare and special kind of idiot to fuck that up as spectacularly as he did.
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