Reminder: No poster in "Literally Criticism" has the talent/drive needed to secure two lucrative contracts in the cutthroat publishing industry.


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
I don't know anything about the publishing industry but it's illustrative that when Dan brought that "l0de" guy on NPS to shit on Tomlinson, lode became visibly impressed when he learned about the publishing houses that signed it ruined Dan's bit.

@Dan is Spartacus am I lying?
Wasn’t lode’s whole thing that he was trying to fuck with Dan? Wyzz would know better he put them two together


the l0de radio hour every friday night!
I don't know anything about the publishing industry but it's illustrative that when Dan brought that "l0de" guy on NPS to shit on Tomlinson, lode became visibly impressed when he learned about the publishing houses that signed it ruined Dan's bit.

@Dan is Spartacus am I lying?
They're decent houses, I think I had one of my less-shit manuscripts rejected by at least one of them. Getting blurbs\reviews in PW also (which you pay for) is a decent sign someone has a reasonable connection in the industry. I haven't read any of his shit, (what good is one hack commenting on another) but it's non trivial to get a book picked up by these people.