Paul weimer's original sin is child sexual exploitation

Turk February

Our experiences exceed yours.
Eric like most pedos is a low IQ retard. If the image is a photoshop then it isn’t something that can be legitimately taken down by a DMCA and by filing one he would be knowingly abusing the DMCA process. Does poverty stricken nonce Paul Weimer really want to end up taken to court by little Dan? Is Eric trying to set Paul up?
How do you guys tell Eric and Paul apart?
One is a runt while the other is normal height (if you count the fedora).
He's around 5-7 or 8. This Jon De lancie (?) guy is 6-3 which in Hollywood is 6-1.
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SFWA liaison

Heidi Hildeman customer
A second pedophile chimes in

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The whole Paul ordeal began because of Pat asking him to make a false DMCA takedown against fair use... Eric is not very bright

"defamation cult" says the guy who signal-boosted Jackie Singh's baseless claims against Gibney and never corrected the record after the FBI cleared Dushatar. There's defamation and defamation

she's your little sister Eric, why you keep visiting a website in which her nudes can be found and go looking for them? you're disgusting


Fat bitch with faggot tits
He didn't inadvertently solve a mystery Paul, you retard. He straight up told you why its happening. You just inadvertently missed the point for the last five years.
Defending my image copyright and its uses, then, is the reason why, more than five years on, the trolls hate me and continue to harass me. This is why they've tried to get me fired, contacted friends and family, and have been horrible to me all this time and continue to do so.
That's not quite it either. Regardless of whether trolling Paul is right or wrong, he wasnt just defending his copyright, he was abusing dmca takedowns to suppress 100% legal transformative works in order to protect the public figure Patrick Tomlinson. The reason why it carried on is because he took upskirt and bathtub pictures of his friends kids.