Paul weimer's original sin is child sexual exploitation

Harry Powell

Fatso is NOT going to like this!



It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
"So, I guess, for the rest of my goddamned life, because I aggressively protected my copyright and my images, I will suffer troll attacks. Its not as bad as being SWATTED like Patrick is, but it is my own thing to suffer."

You fuck and lust after children, you spineless fuck. And Patrick S Tomlinson was SWATting himself. Like your useless, untouched, flaccid middle aged penis, this isn't hard.
"for several years now, I've not reacted to trolls anywhere near as much but I still draw fire and ire, and hatred"

Paul, you never shut the fuck up about the trolls. You're a narcissist getting attention any way you can. No one cares about anything you do. The reason people still mess with you is because you keep posting about them. You're over 50 years old posting about trolls. Pathetic.
Example #100, 000,000,000 of why this word no longer means anything.
I chose that word based on his one fan submission for his writing. It was about a fan being left out that was obviously a stand-in for Paul. It was so grandiose and self-obsessed. Do not let Paul's "woe is me" internet posts fool you. He is self-obsessed and has an inflated sense of self-worth. Checking off NPD attributes:
  • have an unreasonably high sense of self-importance and require constant admiration - reasonable people can disagree but Paul's social media presence is just about getting attention and having people feel like he's strong for putting up with everything bad in his life
  • preoccupation with fantasies about success, power, etc - read any of Paul's fan fiction
  • sense of entitlement
  • make achievements and talents seem bigger than they are
  • envy: feeling envious of others, especially when they are successful
  • lack of empathy - only Paul's feelings and "pain" matters to Paul; he steers anyone else's sad posts back to him
  • difficulty taking criticism
Also Paul's sperg-outs when they trolls are screwing with him in live streams. He can't handle any criticism and freaks out. Maybe "self-obsessed" is a better word for Paul but I think narcissist applies.

Harry Powell

Yeah, file frivolous dmca claims against a named guy whose sinks are numerous and run deep. Good plan, dummy.
In addition, repeat your “original sin”. It won’t bring more heat!

150IQ Hildy is trying to manipulate Paul into making a huge mistake in the hopes of making someone else a miserable fuck. Luckily for Paul, he’s a crafty pedophile (not virtuous) and can probably detect manipulation easily.


He poisons himself and expects the world to die.
In addition, repeat your “original sin”. It won’t bring more heat!

150IQ Hildy is trying to manipulate Paul into making a huge mistake in the hopes of making someone else a miserable fuck. Luckily for Paul, he’s a crafty pedophile (not virtuous) and can probably detect manipulation easily.
Paul's post has a very obvious tinge of regret and he's telling him to double down and keep going. I wanted to call him tone deaf, which got me wondering what music hildy listens to. He seems like the type to say he loves jazz while the GET ANGRY STAY ANGRY playlist is on repeat.

Edit: i just looked up the get angry stay angry playlist and pat deleted almost all of it. THAT WAS ALL THE LATE 90S AND EARLY 2000S BUTTROCK WE HAD, KAREN!
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Eric like most pedos is a low IQ retard. If the image is a photoshop then it isn’t something that can be legitimately taken down by a DMCA and by filing one he would be knowingly abusing the DMCA process. Does poverty stricken nonce Paul Weimer really want to end up taken to court by little Dan? Is Eric trying to set Paul up?