Pats daily manic tweets June 10th


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
Also, how the fuck do you sincerely say that Biden is sharper mentally than Trump? Biden is literally completely fucking retarded from dementia and Trump is basically a stand up comedian. If my parents behaved the way Biden does I'd cry every time I saw them.

Because liberals, when faced with literally any criticism, just play the ackshually game of whataboutism. We're obsessively policing politically correct speech? Ackshually conservatives are snowflakes! We're pushing degenerate sexuality to kids? Ackshually Boebert is giving handjobs in movie theaters!

So of course it applies to all criticisms of Biden. Ackshually Trump is the one showering with children. Ackshually Trump is the one who can't walk down a flight of stairs.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.

Lard Glug

Lard Glug contains neither lard nor glug.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
I love how he just randomly brings up trump for no reason because he knows that the guy is right about biden
Pat thinks others get defensive and give a shit about what you call their choice in president like he does. Pat literally thinks its his duty to sheepdog any comments that are mean about biden.

Dennis Denuto

It's the vibe
“Unlike Donald Trump, who is a pedophile.”

Had he left this nonsense out, one could argue he had a point. But no, the tub of shit just can’t help himself and has to tack on a zing at the rival team!
He’s obese is what I’m getting at.
Donald Trump and Joe Biden are both pedophiles who fuck children. We are ruled by child raping pedophiles. @NoBacon can back me up on this.

Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
Ideally I'd like Biden and Trump to both be assassinated long before the election so we might be forced to find two genuine candidates instead of two insane Alzheimer's-riddled geriatrics. In Minecraft of course.
Who cares? The last two elections have revealed that whoever happens to be president don’t matter much. Might as well be a narcissistic, teatotaller faggot and a senile old creep.


He poisons himself and expects the world to die.
Honestly, more than anything I'm just sick to death of hearing about them both.
My dad, who is basically a less retarded joe minus being a bum, has said the same thing. He has/had the maga hat and was all in for years and he said he didn't bother voting in the primaries for the first time in decades and may not even care enough to vote at all. I'm surprised there hasn't been a big third party candidate this election, even as a joke but I also have barely paid attention.