Mr. Faggotry

The world’s expert on faggotry


NYC Mayor
Fun fact: Burr agreed to play this role on condition Vince got a big fatass nigger to co-star with him because it reminded him of his absolute best friend and bull Patrice.

You know stupid was sitting on that pile of money lovesick wishing it was him and Patrice sharing the fame and fortune. Now he's in Star Wars and movies dressing like Vito Spatafore's lover.


Still spreading the O&A virus
idk have you seen his acting ability?
God dAAAMNNnit, Michael!!
Derosa and Burr sucked on Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. Artie Lange's acting in Entourage was excruciatingly bad. Everyone on Lucky Louie was terrible. Norton was abysmal in The Irishman. They get parts because of their standup or politics. Not talent. They mocked Vos for 'Louie Beans' but they all are pathetic actors.

Single Action Army

We ain't goon hooligans we Maloonigans
Derosa and Burr sucked on Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. Artie Lange's acting in Entourage was excruciatingly bad. Everyone on Lucky Louie was terrible. Norton was abysmal in The Irishman. They get parts because of their standup or politics. Not talent. They mocked Vos for 'Louie Beans' but they all are pathetic actors.

Well throw in what an absolute cunt Patrice was to work with...
Derosa and Burr sucked on Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. Artie Lange's acting in Entourage was excruciatingly bad. Everyone on Lucky Louie was terrible. Norton was abysmal in The Irishman. They get parts because of their standup or politics. Not talent. They mocked Vos for 'Louie Beans' but they all are pathetic actors.
Honestly, of all of them, DiPaolo’s performances on Louie and Inside Amy Schumer were by far the closest thing to actual quality performances.


official ray wilson 😘
Derosa and Burr sucked on Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. Artie Lange's acting in Entourage was excruciatingly bad. Everyone on Lucky Louie was terrible. Norton was abysmal in The Irishman. They get parts because of their standup or politics. Not talent. They mocked Vos for 'Louie Beans' but they all are pathetic actors.
Bobby is a good actor. How was Artie in Rescue Me? I heard that he ace bandaged his dick to his leg for the love scene.