Nigger faggot recognises fellow nigger faggot


Don't thank the felon, Keith


I’ve had that photo saved forever but if any brotherman can point out the original context of it then let me know. It looks so gay that it could be a photoshop but the shadowing looks right on Ant’s face and the wall.
It's not fake. I don't know who the other gay guy is, but the pictures are from some bar (surprise, surprise) in NYC. It might be one of the Red Eye/Fox people after they did a show.

What is for certain is that Anthony looks happier and more relaxed there than he ever has in any picture with one of his "girlfriends."
I’ve had that photo saved forever but if any brotherman can point out the original context of it then let me know. It looks so gay that it could be a photoshop but the shadowing looks right on Ant’s face and the wall.
That was from Orlando Florida maybe two years ago when Chrissie Mare was doing one of her content house grifts. They went out to some dive bar because Nana needs her karaoke.


It's Vic Mignogna.
In early 2019, following the English release of Dragon Ball Super: Broly, which prominently features Mignogna's vocal work, allegations of sexual harassment against him began to surface on Twitter via the MeToo movement, with some allegations dating back to when his career began in 1989.[1][36][37][38] Multiple accounts alleged that he kissed, groped, and made lewd homophobic comments to fans without their consent, some of whom were underage.

Sounds like someone Nana would get on with.


Give Me Some Money
Isn’t that the guy who was called out for being a pedo but he was crying and saying he was being besmirched? Some voice actor?
In early 2019, following the English release of Dragon Ball Super: Broly, which prominently features Mignogna's vocal work, allegations of sexual harassment against him began to surface on Twitter via the MeToo movement, with some allegations dating back to when his career began in 1989.[1][36][37][38] Multiple accounts alleged that he kissed, groped, and made lewd homophobic comments to fans without their consent, some of whom were underage.

Sounds like someone Nana would get on with.
That was a complete and total witch hunt. He's conservative and religious and when at a con he was asked to sign homosexual fanart of one of his characters, he refused. That started everything and the entire industry turned on him, all of a sudden there were a bunch of allegations with nothing at all to back them up. One I remember going around was a picture of him with a young female fan where he kissed the side of her head or something and that was used as an example of how creepy he is and "look how uncomfortable she is in the picture" then that girl had to make a statement that she had asked him to do it for the photo and that she was not uncomfortable at all.
It was genuinely disgusting how so many of his "friends" turned their back on him and started attacking him the second he refused to sign that picture. The man's life was literally ruined.


That was a complete and total witch hunt. He's conservative and religious and when at a con he was asked to sign homosexual fanart of one of his characters, he refused. That started everything and the entire industry turned on him, all of a sudden there were a bunch of allegations with nothing at all to back them up. One I remember going around was a picture of him with a young female fan where he kissed the side of her head or something and that was used as an example of how creepy he is and "look how uncomfortable she is in the picture" then that girl had to make a statement that she had asked him to do it for the photo and that she was not uncomfortable at all.
It was genuinely disgusting how so many of his "friends" turned their back on him and started attacking him the second he refused to sign that picture. The man's life was literally ruined.
He has the gay face and, going on the shirt he's wearing and the way he's behaving in that photo with Nana, the gay everything else too. He probably didn't want to sign the fag art because looking at it gave him a tingle in his bottom.

I don't doubt that everything you say is true, but meh, fuck him. If he hangs out with Anthony and takes pictures like that after a few drinks loosens him up, then his life is hellish already.


Don't thank the felon, Keith
Why is he resting his forehead on Nana's scars all gayly in his Life at the Outpost cosplay?