Missy B Rubs her Clit to Adolf Hitler

Anthony's Lime Rickey

Anthony Cumia is a Pedophile
Anybody who started to think Hitler was right because of social media where they put le epic synthwave music over a parade he did or something is always a fucking retard. Jake Shields is like the leader of these dunces where he goes "I'm just asking questions when I say Jews lied about the Holocaust!". You're not being clever.

Again, I made a post previously about this, you can hate F/Ns and whoever else you don't like without liking Hitler. Why do they like him? What specifically about him do they like? People hated Jews before him! He didn't invent it! Mussolini's Italy didn't even have anti-Jewish laws until the Axis formed. What would Ant with his F/N bullshit think about Faccetta Nera, a popular fascist song about bringing a beautiful black girl to Italy from Ethiopia?

There's people who actually take an interest in this stuff and understand it was more than just "I hate niggers" and there's greaseballs like this that just see it solely as that. Does Anthony or his girlfriend even know how the Fascist system in Italy or Germany worked? The economics behind it, anything? Does he know that Mussolini came close to war with Hitler over Austria? Sorry if this is autistic, but there's so many of these idiots running around now.

Also, a bunch of "Christ is King" dummies loving this guy as said before is very ironic considering Hitler at most was ambivalent about Christianity. A fair amount of his inner circle hated it, Hitler was the moderate in that situation. He most likely would have gone after the church if he won. Hitler wasn't a pagan, but he wasn't a deeply religious Christian either.
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