Job update

Some career news. I am no longer a yard jockey. Wasn't a bad experience but I was offered another position within the company and I decided to take it because it's more in line with my experience with Amazon.

I am now a PA, which is the lowest level of management in Amazon. I'll be managing one of the lines in the customer returns department.

And yes they return EVERYTHING!

Tomorrow I begin shadowing another PA, today l've just been learning the return process.

I think this is a good path for me at Amazon, I'm gonna work my hardest to do a great job and continue a positive trajectory within the company.

I ordered a set of Mets pins to stick on my vest so the people on my line know where I stand.

I'm a New York Mets fan, who drives a Nissan Rogue sport SL, and I have over 400 girl kpop group songs in my playlist.


I want to end a family
is illit being propped up by chinese bot

its just hybe showing hands that they can replace newjeans anytime

fiftyfifty never recovered from the drama

cupid is so dumb