Jim Norton makes bold opinion!

Sue Lightning

That doesn't sound like anything worse than any/every politician has done though really.
I mean it depends on what we’re talking about because theres sort of two thoughts to it. Theres Presidential crimes and “Presidential crimes”.

Presidential crimes are like Obama drone striking a US citizen. It’s technically murder, but the Constitution basically protects any President from prosecution for “official acts”

“Presidential crimes” however are like Clinton raping women before he was President. It doesn’t even reasonably fall under “official acts”. He should have been prosecuted but beyond the statute of limitations, lack of physical proof, etc…we all know theres some sort of double standard. Like unironically Hilary should probably be in jail for her email shit if Trump is going to be prosecuted over this.

Sue Lightning

Think about the fact though that Trump is so fucking arrogant and retarded he got caught doing something that wasn't illegal until he tried to lie about it, which made it a crime.
And no one would know about any of this if Cohen didn’t flip. How the fuck you let your lawyer and fixer flip on you is beyond me. The Clintons were smart because they would just kill you before your home even got raided.

American politics is a game where they’re all doing blatantly illegal things and figuring out how to fudge as few details as possible to make it legal. Trump just didn’t want to bother with the last part.
Yeah again refer to above. If Trump were dealing with the same email scandal as Clinton he would be on every news station talking about how he did it but it was perfectly legal. Which is a way different strategy than Hilarys “Oh geez shucks i dont know how that got on there and then deleted! Mustve been an accident!”


I mean it depends on what we’re talking about because theres sort of two thoughts to it. Theres Presidential crimes and “Presidential crimes”.

Presidential crimes are like Obama drone striking a US citizen. It’s technically murder, but the Constitution basically protects any President from prosecution for “official acts”

“Presidential crimes” however are like Clinton raping women before he was President. It doesn’t even reasonably fall under “official acts”. He should have been prosecuted but beyond the statute of limitations, lack of physical proof, etc…we all know theres some sort of double standard. Like unironically Hilary should probably be in jail for her email shit if Trump is going to be prosecuted over this.
I guess that's my point. Many of them get away with what is essentially mass murder on an industrial scale and are treated like semi-deities by the establishment for the rest of their days. Stupid Trump shags a whore, sets up a dummy Corp to pay her off and dumbly writes it off as a campaign contribution, and the state puts all its gears into motion to take him down.

The kicker is they're too hubristic to see it's doing nothing except shoring up his base and making a bunch of undecideds think "I'm going to vote for this guy now, even though I don't really like him, because fuck them."


Stand Alone Fruit
I mean it depends on what we’re talking about because theres sort of two thoughts to it. Theres Presidential crimes and “Presidential crimes”.

Presidential crimes are like Obama drone striking a US citizen. It’s technically murder, but the Constitution basically protects any President from prosecution for “official acts”

“Presidential crimes” however are like Clinton raping women before he was President. It doesn’t even reasonably fall under “official acts”. He should have been prosecuted but beyond the statute of limitations, lack of physical proof, etc…we all know theres some sort of double standard. Like unironically Hilary should probably be in jail for her email shit if Trump is going to be prosecuted over this.
Thats the whole thing - it’s sets it up for now whatever party lost to go after a president / previous president because they can. George W Bush for war crimes, Obama drone strikes, etc.

It’s kind of like how democrats impeached trump then did it again. It meant nothing but just for show - he’s the only president impeached twice! So? Nothing happened and it was a big waste of time. What was once seen as serious is now just business as usual.

Sue Lightning

Thats the whole thing - it’s sets it up for now whatever party lost to go after a president / previous president because they can. George W Bush for war crimes, Obama drone strikes, etc.
No not really because of what I just described. Those are Presidential crimes i.e, explicitly allowed under the constitution. Taking home boxes of classified documents, not an official act (especially cuz it was done after he was President), nor is the whole hush money from before he was President, nor is the defamation trial, nor is the business fraud trial.

The ONLY crime that could reasonably be considered an “official act” is ironically the Jan 6th shit.

So if they want to prosecute shit Obama or Biden has done that had nothing to do with their official acts i say go for it.

Sue Lightning

The kicker is they're too hubristic to see it's doing nothing except shoring up his base and making a bunch of undecideds think "I'm going to vote for this guy now, even though I don't really like him, because fuck them."
I agree with the first part but not the second part. Trump is insanely unpopular, the dude lost the popular vote twice. (No less against Hilary and Biden - The two most unlikable Dems ever). If anything all these trials are doing is turning off independent voters. They’ve done polls on this (lol, polls) showing like 20% of Republicans wouldn’t vote for Trump if he were convicted. 50% of likely voters think Trump is guilty on the hush money shit. So optics wise it’s…not good


The gunslinger.
No , so the way it went was Cohen paid them off with personal funds and misreporting it. He went to jail over that. But the reason Trump is implicated is because he paid Cohen back, and instead of marking this as a repayment, he marked it as an invoice for legal work / a retainer, which it just …wasn’t

Who gives a fuck? Lmao


The gunslinger.
Because he asked dummy. Lets ask. @LockedHDD__Pot do you care? I mean you did enough to ask the question.

If you don’t care why are you spending time to comment retard?

For every hysterical faggot like you crying about bullshit fake crimes like this you are creating 100 non gay normal people to purposely vote Trump to upset you.

Sue Lightning

For every hysterical faggot like you crying about bullshit fake crimes like this you are creating 100 non gay normal people to purposely vote Trump to upset you.
You sound upset. Are you sure you “don’t care”? Trumps gonna win, right? So just sit back and enjoy watching me seethe dummy.


I agree with the first part but not the second part. Trump is insanely unpopular, the dude lost the popular vote twice. (No less against Hilary and Biden - The two most unlikable Dems ever). If anything all these trials are doing is turning off independent voters. They’ve done polls on this (lol, polls) showing like 20% of Republicans wouldn’t vote for Trump if he were convicted. 50% of likely voters think Trump is guilty on the hush money shit. So optics wise it’s…not good
Is he that unpopular though? Didn't he get more votes in 2020 than any other candidate ever except Biden (who needed 5 weeks or whatever to tally up a higher number). And isn't that also why your founding fathers established the electoral college? To prevent a handful of heavily-populated urban centres from determining the outcome of every election through numbers rather than proportional state-based representation?

Sue Lightning

Is he that unpopular though?
Yeah I would say so. The 2016 EC result was a blow out by Trump but Clinton beat him by 3 million votes, then Biden by 7 million (if you believe that, lol). Its extremely hard to be LESS popular when running for reelection but even he was. The only President to have a consistently lower approval rating than him is Carter and HW, but only towards the end of their terms. W. Bush had a higher approval rating for his ENTIRE Presidency. 2016 was one of the first elections in a while where neither candidate pulled a majority of the vote. (Trump 46%, Clinton 48%). The states that flipped for Trump in 2016 only did so by very meager percentage points, literally less than 1%.

The problem is he’s divisive. If you’re a Republican you love him. If you’re a Democrat you hate him. I don’t THINK a President has ever been that bad. I mean the big thing was Democrats for Reagan and then Clinton got some good shares of R’s.

A big reason Trump won 2016 is the anti-establishment crowd. He became part of the establishment in 2020 which is why those voters ended up voting libertarian (and thus costing him Wisconsin) I think those people are honestly going to lean more RFK in 2024.
Didn't he get more votes in 2020 than any other candidate ever except Biden (who needed 5 weeks or whatever to tally up a higher number).
Yes that but thats because of voter turnout and increasing populations. We’ve had elections with higher turnouts and if you applied our current voting population there would be candidates who would have gotten way more votes than Biden OR Trump.
And isn't that also why your founding fathers established the electoral college? To prevent a handful of heavily-populated urban centres from determining the outcome of every election through numbers rather than proportional state-based representation?
Well…thats sort of complicated I suppose. Mainly because that was the 1700’s. The Founding Fathers only let white men with property vote and they didn’t expect that even those people would be educated. So those dudes would vote and then send their “delegate” to DC who (even though bound to his vote) could technically still vote against who the people voted for. How would anyone know? Not like they released the specifics back then, and even if they did you’d have to wait a week for the news to get to you. The electoral college is just antiquated IMO but thats a whole other thing

Don’t get me going on US politics


The gunslinger.


Yeah I would say so. The 2016 EC result was a blow out by Trump but Clinton beat him by 3 million votes, then Biden by 7 million (if you believe that, lol). Its extremely hard to be LESS popular when running for reelection but even he was. The only President to have a consistently lower approval rating than him is Carter and HW, but only towards the end of their terms. W. Bush had a higher approval rating for his ENTIRE Presidency. 2016 was one of the first elections in a while where neither candidate pulled a majority of the vote. (Trump 46%, Clinton 48%). The states that flipped for Trump in 2016 only did so by very meager percentage points, literally less than 1%.

The problem is he’s divisive. If you’re a Republican you love him. If you’re a Democrat you hate him. I don’t THINK a President has ever been that bad. I mean the big thing was Democrats for Reagan and then Clinton got some good shares of R’s.

A big reason Trump won 2016 is the anti-establishment crowd. He became part of the establishment in 2020 which is why those voters ended up voting libertarian (and thus costing him Wisconsin) I think those people are honestly going to lean more RFK in 2024.

Yes that but thats because of voter turnout and increasing populations. We’ve had elections with higher turnouts and if you applied our current voting population there would be candidates who would have gotten way more votes than Biden OR Trump.

Well…thats sort of complicated I suppose. Mainly because that was the 1700’s. The Founding Fathers only let white men with property vote and they didn’t expect that even those people would be educated. So those dudes would vote and then send their “delegate” to DC who (even though bound to his vote) could technically still vote against who the people voted for. How would anyone know? Not like they released the specifics back then, and even if they did you’d have to wait a week for the news to get to you. The electoral college is just antiquated IMO but thats a whole other thing

Don’t get me going on US politics
How old are you really, bro?


NYC Mayor
No , so the way it went was Cohen paid them off with personal funds and misreporting it. He went to jail over that. But the reason Trump is implicated is because he paid Cohen back, and instead of marking this as a repayment, he marked it as an invoice for legal work / a retainer, which it just …wasn’t

Oh wow! Who possibly gives a fuck?