Jim legitimately cannot stand Nikki

Leave it to Jimmy to turn his marriage to a Norwegian shemale prostitute into an absolute snore.

"I whannt you to buyyyyy meeeee stuffff!"

"Sigh. No."

Great work there, Jim. Two perverts whining, that's the whole premise. On top of everything else, he (Jimmy) looks like something you'd find crawling around under a patch of overwatered sod. He's always been grotesque, but these days he looks like death warmed over, minus the warmth. It's almost difficult to believe that Thor would want to put his mighty she-cock anywhere near Jim Norton's disgusting scum hole, much less actually enter him with it. I mean, how much money could he possibly even have at this point?



That's a man. You're kissing a man's shoulder, Norton. If you took 10 years off him and gave him a haircut, he'd be bullying the Karate Kid. You're a gay man, Jim.