Jim legitimately cannot stand Nikki


and her hair smells like red froot loops

He treats her with the same belittling attitude he has towards the SXM interns, and she's completely oblivious (or just doesn't care) how much she annoys him. Not even in a cute "Rich and Bonnie" bickering couple type of way either, more of a "make everyone else uncomfortable at a dinner party" bickering.

I cannot believe he married her if this is the way they act. She's either gonna take half his money in the divorce or give him the ol' Phil Hartman execution while he sleeps.


I was chest-bumped, alroight!
Nice "wife", stupid.



May St. Mel bless you
It's not just the transgender thing, it's not just that she's from another country and decades younger and a gold digging prostitute, it's also that Jim cannot live with another human being. He was always meant to be alone, just like Ant was always meant to a white trash bum, and Opie was meant to be an unemployable in radio. These three men spit in God's eye but He will bring them back to reality, one at a time.

Sue Lightning

They both fucking hate each other. No scenario in where one person isn’t aware of what the other is doing to them. Norton resents that this walking sex toy has the nerve to actually have feelings and needs beyond sex. and Nikki resents that this 60 year old American man is boring, doesn’t want to do shit, isn’t interested in her as a person, and isn’t interested in her culture. The only thing keeping them together is money and sex. If Jim runs out of money - She’s out. If Nikkis asshole got glued shut and her dick fell off - Jims out.


and her hair smells like red froot loops
It's not just the transgender thing, it's not just that she's from another country and decades younger and a gold digging prostitute, it's also that Jim cannot live with another human being. He was always meant to be alone, just like Ant was always meant to a white trash bum, and Opie was meant to be an unemployable in radio. These three men spit in God's eye but He will bring them back to reality, one at a time.

Exactly, the term "diva" gets tossed around a lot but he is a diva in it's purest form. He's spent decades locked in the same pattern: go to work where he can be a huge asshole to the "lesser thans" that are below him. What intern messed up my breakfast order? Get them in studio, I want to talk to them. Then he goes home and pays a prostitute to shit on him and leave after he cums.

In every relationship, your partner is going to annoy you sometimes. But Jimmy's such an insecure little creep, he can't let those tiny moments pass without yelling at her to stop or making an exaggerated passive-aggressive face to the camera.

The Talking Dead

I'm close to death! Hahahaha hooooooly shit!!
Nikki Norton's performance of what he thinks a new York housewife is act must start to grate on Jim. Heading to work in the dark in the dead of a new York winter and having to come back to man farts and a drag queen acting up and whiney fake voice.

All because you were knocking one out on a web cam of a overseas teenager

That's a hilarious and also accurate summation of this sham of a marriage. It's like watching a car crash in slow motion.


Joe's Filipino Supervisor

He treats her with the same belittling attitude he has towards the SXM interns, and she's completely oblivious (or just doesn't care) how much she annoys him. Not even in a cute "Rich and Bonnie" bickering couple type of way either, more of a "make everyone else uncomfortable at a dinner party" bickering.

I cannot believe he married her if this is the way they act. She's either gonna take half his money in the divorce or give him the ol' Phil Hartman execution while he sleeps.

he has the blood of berserkers flowing through him. It's gonna end in an axe murder.
I didn't watch the video but I'm gonna assume Jimmy's fetish is getting stale
Nikki Norton's performance of what he thinks a new York housewife is act must start to grate on Jim. Heading to work in the dark in the dead of a new York winter and having to come back to man farts and a drag queen acting up and whiney fake voice.

All because you were knocking one out on a web cam of a overseas teenager
They're doing a gay reverse "Honeymooners" bit, where Nikki is Ralph and Jimmy is Alice, always exasperated by Ralph's latest cockamamie scheme. Nikki wants new furniture, Nikki wants a Norwegian cabin, Nikki needs new clothes. And Kiss is the mother-in-law Ralph/Nikki can't stand.