I studied art in college, little ones



Operation #SAVENIKI

Put some makeup on, you sallow whore.


Stand Alone Fruit
I studied pointillism too pig, in seventh grade art class. We drew pairs of shoes in pointillism for class and they hung the good ones on the wall. Dumb pig thinks he knows something while taking art classes in community college before dropping out. He also looks to be wearing a mustang t-shirt with his backwards hat to complete the white trash wardrobe. I’ve only seen the redneck crowds at NASCAR events wearing shirts with car logos but pig thinks he’s real cool. No wonder Niki looks miserable, she’s married to a dork teenager who can’t properly dress himself like an adult.


Access to the Debates
He mentions the most surface level, banal information about that picture and thinks he’s a deep thinker. Doesn’t relate any interesting thoughts about why the child (, child) is the only one dressed all in white, or why the child is the only one staring directly at the viewer and everyone else is looking elsewhere. No, just “duhhhh the painter used dots! It’s like pixels!”

Information he definitely just read off the sign as some have already pointed out.

Art history classes are much more about the meaning of the paintings/pieces and the culture/time in which they are created and the artists lived. The physical creation of them is generally boring and takes up maybe 10 minutes of every 2-3 hour lecture/discussion. Fucking dullard.


Stand Alone Fruit
So he studied art in college, was he trying to get a useless degree? Even when he went to college he couldn’t be bothered to learn anything that could help him get a decent career.