The Talking Dead

I'm close to death! Hahahaha hooooooly shit!!
He really is all kinds of fucked up

ffs he looks like a Mr Potato Head but if you let your dog chew all the parts before sticking them on.
It’s incredible how such a gross and ugly man would post his fat blob of a face so much on social media. He’s looked like shit for years yet couldn’t resist sticking his dumb face in everything.
Please add to this if I'm missing anything:
  • misshapen earlobes
  • misshapen nostrils
  • fish mouth
  • triple chin
  • beaver teeth
  • weird glassy eyes
  • fat
  • receding hairline
  • bad haircut
  • forehead scar
The man's a goblin.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
probably same cause as his earlobes being grotesquely shaped
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is it genetics or someone drank too much while pregnant?
it's just fatness. From the pictures of him in high school he has a naturally slender build so when he put on weight it just made him look awkward and lumpy. and he won't ever lose enough weight to fix it because he is stuck on this "i'm a big guy, broader through the shoulders than most larp" and doesn't want to admit he doesn't really have any muscle. under his lard