
Everyone’s alt
I am honestly shocked that Erik hasn't run into any major life threatening illnesses yet. If there was a death pool I would have lost a lot of cash thinking Erik would have eaten himself into a stress heart attack by now. Him and Roland. How are these people still alive?
Jim has aids, count has had two heart attacks, Roland should have been dead 15 years ago, it’s amazing.

Sue Lightning

I can’t imagine getting that excited over a soda.
You’re not 400 pounds and building a life where the only dopamine your brain feeds you is when you’re stuffing your tubby fucking face.

I seriously hate fatties so much, especially ones with no shame like Erik. He’s the type of dude to wiggle his fingers and go “Oooo don’t mind if i do!” when he sees a cake.


Mexican soft drinks rule. I'm a recovering dewy addict (4 liters a day) and the only soft drink I still drink is mexican jarritos! #Ruizing

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Stand Alone Fruit
You’re not 400 pounds and building a life where the only dopamine your brain feeds you is when you’re stuffing your tubby fucking face.

I seriously hate fatties so much, especially ones with no shame like Erik. He’s the type of dude to wiggle his fingers and go “Oooo don’t mind if i do!” when he sees a cake.
He’s also the type to claim they “deserve” various sweet treats all during the week for…being an adult.


Still spreading the O&A virus
Jim has aids, count has had two heart attacks, Roland should have been dead 15 years ago, it’s amazing.
It's like they pumped magic spice gas from the Dune novels into the studio to extend the life of everyone. The O&A studio was built upon a cursed version of the Fountain of Youth. Or they made some pact with a vampire or gypsy. They all live the most unhealthy lifestyles but live to ancient lengths. Artie Lange will be the first confirmed 130-year-old human being.