Happy monday from paul weimer


A thousand years ago if he was in a little Germanic village of 100 people, they would've banished him for bringing down the vibe. Then he would've gotten eaten by wolves in a matter of days.

It's bizarre how he just whines all day and does nothing about his situation/mentality as a 55 year old. Being his mother must've been extraordinarily frustrating.
He wouldn't have made it to 20 before a mob beat him to death for staring at a little kid for too long.



Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
A thousand years ago if he was in a little Germanic village of 100 people, they would've banished him for bringing down the vibe. Then he would've gotten eaten by wolves in a matter of days.
The wolves wouldn’t have eaten him to avoid catching whatever faggot he has. Paul can’t even die correctly. If it weren’t Paul, we’d find out the woman who got engaged and send her a congratulations from OnA. Paul can’t even motivate the trolls correctly.


Stand Alone Fruit
Why can’t this insect be happy for others? He must be a real killjoy at work. I bet they all hate him.
I bet they know to try and say as little as possible to him to avoid getting stuck in a Paul pity party. Even something as common and innocent as “Hey Paul, how are you?” turns into SIGHHHHH “well, just when I thought my life couldn’t get any worse…”


Life of my story
Just think - some women has no idea she just ruined Paul’s whole week and it’s not even Tuesday.

Oh, it's possible she knows. Maybe she laid it on extra thick for Uncle Pauly over here.

"Gosh, Paul, it's just so great to be loved. And to know I'm accepted for exactly who I am, and that I'll be taken care of in sickness and we'll grow old together. And soon we'll have a house full of loving children. What more could a person ask for, am I right?"


He poisons himself and expects the world to die.
You know all his coworkers hate him since he’s such a whiny little creep. They all just want him to quit so they don’t have to deal with his nonsense.
I imagine him more like a Milton from office space where if he isn't being ignored then he's being screwed over without a second thought while he mumbles to himself. It's not even a malicious thing, he's just a non-entity.


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
You could always go the 90 Day Fiancé route and get a mail order bride. Leverage that sweet American citizenship and rescue some Brazilian from the favela. But you won't, because you're a pedophile and the Justice Department doesn't like child trafficking.