Gym Pat is Back!



Someone should get pat to do starting strength and drink a gallon of whole milk a day but he's too much of a pussy
He's too fat for GOMAD. Someone else mentioned it in this thread I think, he doesn't even need the gym at this point. He just needs to stop drinking, stop eating shitty, processed foods, and start walking. GOMAD won't help him because despite what he says, he doesn't lift. I know because I drink too much and I eat crappy food too much but I do workout 2-3 times a week. I'm still fat (see Pat, that's not so hard) but I do have muscles where he doesn't. If he was going to the gym even twice a week for the decade he claims, he'd have some muscle on him. Look at his puny arms; he has no triceps. His lats and traps are non-existent. His pecks (nice spelling fatso), if he has any, are covered with flab. No delts. Chicken legs. There's no way he lifts.