George Costanza is a complete ripoff of Ralph Kramden



I've never really seen The Honeymooners. I saw this episode on YouTube, and I kept trying to think who Ralph reminded me of (besides Fred Flintstone) and then I realized he has all the same mannerisms as George Costanza.



He even does the "h-hooeee!" thing that George does.

I googled to see if anyone else made the comparison and nobody did. Am I crazy or is that George?


Stand Alone Fruit
Jason Alexander was blatantly imitating Woody Allen for the first seasons. If he was ever doing anything like Ralph Kramden, it was more like a homage because The Honeymooners were the gold standard for sitcoms.

WWAW with Honeymooners '93?

It wasn’t until I think the episode where George quits and comes back after like nothing happened was when Jason Alexander learned George is based on Larry. He went to Larry over the script and said “nobody would ever do this” and Larry told him “I did it!” and it was based on when he quit SNL in a rage after finding out his skits got cut again for the week.


NYC Mayor
Imagine how great The Honeymooners could have been, if they just had him smacking his bitch around Three Stooges style complete with sound effects. And with weapons. Like grapefruit.


Yes. I had cyber sex sessions with Leslie.
Ya kiddin?
