Fat Girls Are People Too Despite What Jim Norton Says!


Stand Alone Fruit
Society needs to go back to shaming these people. Under no circumstances should they be accommodated. Your weight is one of the very few aspects of your body you have direct control over.
I gained 5 pounds recently and it’s got me working out more / running etc just because I know I shouldn’t be 5 pounds heavier but I can’t understand these types. I can’t believe this behavior is celebrated and encouraged.
nigga is this your fetish???
LOL she's not "plus-sized". She's repellently obese, and she'll inevitably die soon because of it. Everyone should be pointing and laughing at that hideous she-beast, as perhaps the mockery and scorn might drive her to lay off the Popeye's, fruit pies, and soda. We were better off as a society when lard-buckets were still openly mocked, as they should be.