Famous Milwaukee scientist notes that 100° F is "instantly lethal"



Climatologist Pat thinks Fahrenheit is brilliant because anything over 100° F will kill you instantly.

For some reason, Pat is obsessed with telling the world that Celsius is so so wrong and Fahrenheit rocks. Mama Raven's special handsome science boy knows best!!!

[URL unfurl="true"]https://twitter.com/stealthygeek/status/1413911684285190149?s=20[/URL]

Harry Powell

You’re the girl I needed in jr. high
Patso is, unfortunately, correct on this one. He’s saying 100c is lethal, which it is.
Celsius and kelvin are wonderful scales for temperature in sciences, F is way better for how a human will feel / be effected by temperature.

gotta go take a shower now for having defended him

Harry Powell

You’re the girl I needed in jr. high
When the fuck does the average person need to know the lethal temperature on a daily basis unless he's living in Ethiopia?

For most civilized countries, it's far more useful to know from a glance if it's going to freeze so you know if you'll have to pull out the ice scraper or not.

unlike Patso I don’t have a dog in this fight. Whatever works best for you