This is false. By that logic they'd have gone after Keanu Reeves when his book Berserker blew past $1 million. No one in Comicsgate said anything about that besides "Hey, good for him!" The entire indie comics/CG scene was behind Eric July 100% until July started pulling bitch-made back-room bullshit and started to draw battle lines like a street gang turf war:
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Here's the root of it all: that's a text July sent to EVS after some guy named Dick Masterson wrote a critique just ravaging Isom 1 and EVS told Eric that maybe he should consider criticism from someone even if he doesn't like that person, that's what all artists do, but Eric July is the big dick on the indie comics scene now, ain't no one gonna tell him shit! So if you aren't a blind worshipper of the Rippaverse like those grifting Youtube faggots like Nerdrotic and that Heel vs Babyface queer, then you're an enemy who has to be destroyed. July turned the indie comics scene into a gang war because that's just what stupid arrogant niggers do I guess.
EVS has been going over the finer points of all of this shit on his YT channel for months now while Eric July has spun a tapestry of bullshit lies about everything ever since he got the slightest pushback that, hey, maybe your comics aren't that great, and maybe they're kinda dogshit; so anyone who's curious enough can do what they like, I know taking sides in online drama is gay but I missed that ship years ago, all I'll say as a huge comic book fag with 30 years standing is, EVS is in the right in all of this. Eric July is a jive-talking street-husting scumbag who doesn't give a shit about the medium or artform of comics, or anything else besides making money and having his ass kissed. He burned the mountains of goodwill he had from the CG/indie people because he can't take criticism, he doesn't care about the product he offers aside from on-time shipping, and he wants to be THE thing in independent comics while being the absolute worst example of it. He thinks all the customer cares about is getting "product" on time. I've waited way longer than forecast when backing EVS's stuff, and it's always been worth the wait. I wish I was still waiting for Isom #1.
And yes, I know:
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