Crime Stoppers: 2020 murder of Bernell Trammell's remains unsolved

Sugar Pimp Dorsey

Fux yeah, nigga!
something I noticed now is the way the guy runs and ostentatiously, affectedly tries reholstering it comes off as retarded Pat behavior, just like with his cringey gun drawing demonstration, Pat was trying to live out a dramatic fantasy when he did this so of course he's dashes away like he's Jason Bourne with arm angled in such a way that it looks and feels dramatic, ostentatiously trying to formally reholster it. I've never seen criminals do that in a video before, they dont hold their gun that way, they don't care how its angled, but this fat fuck kept the gun angled and to his side. who does that? only faggots like Patrick who wanna appear like combat experts and movie heroes.

Sue Lightning

You know as someone who tries to only follow the evidence, I thought the killer's pant legs were hiking up and he wasn't wearing socks, revealing black skin tone around his ankle area.

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On closer look, this appears to be another deflection. You can still see Caucasian skin peaking out around the side of the killer's face, around the general "ear" area. Wearing black socks pulled up high would perhaps give the impression you're a black man, but there's no article of clothing that will make your skin appear white behind a mask.
I get blacks kill other blacks but the idea that this was one of those cases is completely nonsensical.

I’ve said this before. They shoot each other over random shit. When was the last time you heard about black on black crime over someones political beliefs? When was the last time you heard about black on black crime that was THIS methodical and not just opening fire in the heat of the moment? WHY would a black person be so fucking angry that this black guy is holding up Trump signs? He also supported other black people so the idea that this is someone executing a “race traitor” is also stupid.

It is 100% a white on black crime and it fits who Pat is. A fat white liberal rube got pissed off seeing a MAGA nigger and decided to take things into his own hands. Compound that with Pat interacting, and thus arguing, with Trammell.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
His face has the typical flush of anxiety, paranoia, and adrenaline after committing a serious crime and getting away.
Lets not forget that Pat then took a trip up to Nikis moms cabin to possibly dispose of evidence.


Sue Lightning

I will once again lay out my motive. Patrick hates MAGA people. He especially hates MAGA minorities because he sees them as too stupid for their own good and hurting the other minorities he tries to protect. When he saw Bernell that day outside of Hoolis there is no fucking way all he did was snap that picture of him. He 100% went up to him and started pigheadedly arguing with him in the most asshole way possible. And hurting Pats ego more than arguing back, Bernell was nothing but nice to him. This no doubt infuriated Pat even more because “the idiot won this one”. No doubt he stalked Bernell around and kept confronting him hoping he would do something violent (like they ALL do) or even just lose an argument so Patrick could win. And each time Bernell was polite to him.

That was the breaking point for Pat. Seeing this STUPID INFANTILE NIGGER not only argue for the DESTRUCTION of his PEOPLE but that he did it all with a smile on his face, and no matter how red in the face Patrick got, Bernell just told him “Have a good day.”

Which is why the killing happened the way it did. This was obviously not random. Whoever targeted Bernell didn’t do it because of something that happened that day or week - Someone would bring that up to investigators. This was a planned murder that had been boiling inside the killer for months or years. No one in a spur of the moment decides to dawn a disguise in hot ass weather, ride their bike for who knows how long, just to murder a man in cold blood then briskly peddle off.

It is a classic battle of good vs evil. Bernell was a saint and didn’t realize what a monster Patrick was.


This video is so perfect that it almost makes me wonder if the MPD is not releasing this to fuck with Pat. They hit all the talking points that implicate him.

"Do recognize the suspect's body shape? His walking style? What about his shoes?"

And then the guy specifically says that it could be someone's neighbor. That's not the kind of language you use when you think some random nig did it.

Even if the MPD doesn't consider Pat a suspect, they have to be aware of the fact that we will jump all over anything that points in his direction.