Close the books. This is not a drill.


I really think this is the year Pat will go viral for being such a huge lol cow. I can see Rogan talking about him thanks to various you tube docs about him and his crazy behavior
It all hinges on Patrick's 2nd, dumber, lolsuit. If it actually goes to trial and if he takes the stand, the whole thing will blow up and he will be up there with ChrisChan as king (sorry, queen) of the lolcows.

Turry Fawks

Whoooooooa buddy
This makes me feel sorry for poor Layler. I’ll explain why:

If this crowd gets a whiff of The Pig and come here, they’ll get introduced to Brother Moo and his buffoonery, then realize that Layler is in their demographic and proceed to fuck with her.

I don't think there's enough excitement from Brojo to have to worry about that. Does Layla even use social media?