Anthony Wants to Keep the Bloodlines Pure and White

Every 50 years a new group of people pop up who we’re all fearful of until they just get meshed into our cultures, then we pick a new scary mysterious foreigner.

See: Masons, Mormons, Irish, Italians, The Chinese, the Japanese, the Koreans, the Vietnamese, Pacific Islanders, Native Americans, Eastern Europeans, Jews, Muslims, Blacks, Catholics, South Americans, Mexicans
Most of these groups were a negative for the country though, what's your point

Anthony's Lime Rickey

Anthony Cumia is a Pedophile
What has happened in the past year or so that’s got idiot conservatives scared of “the immigrants” again? My parents are the same way so I know it’s coming from Fox News or something, but like, immigration has been a problem for decades and I remember my dad telling me in high school 20 years ago that every Mexican that comes across the border is a rapist or murderer. Why did that stop being a concern and when did it become such a terrifying reality to these morons again?

Sue Lightning

What has happened in the past year or so that’s got idiot conservatives scared of “the immigrants” again? My parents are the same way so I know it’s coming from Fox News or something, but like, immigration has been a problem for decades and I remember my dad telling me in high school 20 years ago that every Mexican that comes across the border is a rapist or murderer. Why did that stop being a concern and when did it become such a terrifying reality to these morons again?
You answered your question. It’s all the news. They don’t perceive it as an issue until the talking heads remind or tell them it is. Then they forget when the TV shows the next thing.