Anthony is right about one thing: Spaceballs SUCKS



I never found Mel Brooks all that funny. Maybe his stuff was considered the peak of comedy back then but it is an absolute chore to sit through now. Kind of felt like people figured out that his flicks were absolute shlock in the 90s, which is why those movies were panned (Robin Hood and Dracula).
History of the World was pretty funny when I saw it as an 11 year old...I remember watching it with my dad and when Gregory Hines' character said "Im from Ethiopia" my dad was like "wow for real he looks Ethiopian" lol.


Spaceballs was hysterical when I was a child but I really haven't wanted to watch it since.
Spaceballs? What am I, 5?


For the last time, I am NOT Donal Logue!
I never found Mel Brooks all that funny. Maybe his stuff was considered the peak of comedy back then but it is an absolute chore to sit through now. Kind of felt like people figured out that his flicks were absolute shlock in the 90s, which is why those movies were panned (Robin Hood and Dracula).

I'll agree the 80's and 90's output sucked. They had moments, but the consistency wasn't there at all. In fact, anytime someone says they love "Robin Hood Men In Tights", I lose massive respect for them.

But you're an imbecile if you think his classics aren't good, because they still are. Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, and Silent Movie are his three best films. The Producers is good but I do find it to be overrated. I think a lot of the former three (minus Silent Movie) hold up because of Gene Wilder, whom himself was a gifted comedian and one of the few people who would challenge Mel.

So if you want to say Mel on his own may not be that talented? I'll give you the leeway.
Arthur 'Killer" Kane from the New York Dolls was in it for a couple of seconds if I remember correctly.

I don't remember correctly it was Innerspace.
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Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
The biggest problem with Spaceballs, or at least one of them, is that Bill Pullman and Daphne Zuniga are terrible comedic actors. Neither one are great period, but their wheelhouse is rom-coms and trashy tv dramas. You need a specific sensibility to lead a Mel Brooks movie and they ain’t got it.
Bill Pullman is an extremely forgettable actor. I bet his agent says "Who?" when his name comes up. Spaceballs, Independence Day, I dare anyone to name a third movie he's in off the top of their head.