Anthony Cumia jocktobers Opie



Couldn’t last very long either. I might hate listen to Jim and Sams’ Fez tribute show now.
the problem is some of them were anti-Drumpfers concealing their (at the time) unpopular left-leaning political instincts (because they are mixed race or white faggots) as generalized hatred of Nana, attempting to portray it in the spectrum of open hate for hate's sake, when really the hated him for what he represented politically. And their hate wasn't of the troll nature, though they attempt to portray it as such. It was personal and emotional and a byproduct of insecurity in the Trump era.

For example even in this relatively tiny forum I have a reply guy car crash (downvoting) a lot of my posts, all of them having to do with insulting niggers. Such people on the old sub used to attack Nana and Joe with the same petty ferociousness not just because "it's funny", but because Nana's politics genuinely enraged them. Such people are Nigger Faggots and they often hid under the sheath of "opie is cool" only because it amplified an angle of attack against a pro-Drumpf personas such as the Cumias. Some of the pro Gregg stuff was just for fun and the joke, but the political and racial insecurity motivated people (like one of my current reply-guy downvoters, exposed here unlike on reddit where their downdoots were hidden) tried to conceal themselves in that bandwagon as 'in it for fun,' when really they were in it to surreptitiously boost their own political agenda

Something I noticed about this type of person, especially after dealing with r/ChapoTrapHouse people in r/cumtown: Their first, middle, and last response is always to deny that they have a bias, make extra effort to be "one of the guys", and then use whatever minor gained credit they achieved through that to try to steer the conversation in the direction of their personal beliefs. They tend to try to "fit in" by partaking in race jokes that paint them as unbiased, but they always go back and reveal their personal political orientation. They count on your not inferring from their behavior while they choose their targets of attack with their personal political motivations, always attempting to blend in as a troll "for its own sake"
I'll keep this brief


Anthony is no longer funny

Opie never was funny

Someone fell much further, some say he is still falling

Opie is pretty grounded, no silly network to fret about

When Anthony wakes up from the pill and booze haze he lived in for 2 decades he will be in Sunny South Carolina, pretending not to be a new york faggot

Opie will be at his Manhattan Apartment, or his Beach house

and that apple tree him and his daughter planted at the start of the pandemic, will be a little taller every year