7am in Milwaukee and the first thing he does is carry on arguing from the night before


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.

I'm so glad this is your life, you miserable fuck. Another man is raising your family - happy and contented and this, THIS is your fucking life. Arguing with strangers first thing in the morning from the night before. And about what? Whether liquid nitrogen was poured on a fire or not? Who gives a fuck?

Fucking waste of oxygen of you are. Cunt.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Firefighter pats is on the case. Too bad real firefighters are men who don’t waste their time on Twitter arguing with other retards about retarded shit. They actually workout and do productive shit in their downtime when they’re not actually saving people’s lives. See they don’t cosplay that they’re fighting evil people killing minorities on the internet all day. This guy is fucking fat.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Firefighter pats is on the case. Too bad real firefighters are men who don’t waste their time on Twitter arguing with other retards about retarded shit.

He actually had the gall to tweet "not gonna work but I respect the hustle" on the picture of them working on the fire. This fuck actually thinks he can tell professionals how to do their job better from his couch.

I hate him so much.


How does that feel?!
"Cry, Baby. Cry for your mama."

God is he such a douche. Being able to talk shit and not have to back up any of it has made him a brave, special, little boy. We know for a fact he wouldn't even raise his head when he is in public around other people. Meekly coward he is but since he is on twitter he is tough guy extraordinaire.

Somehow a judge needs to read a list of his tweets for a character reference on him.
Firefighter pats is on the case. Too bad real firefighters are men who don’t waste their time on Twitter arguing with other retards about retarded shit. They actually workout and do productive shit in their downtime when they’re not actually saving people’s lives. See they don’t cosplay that they’re fighting evil people killing minorities on the internet all day. This guy is fucking fat.
Can we get a picture of 'shirtless in snow' pat wearing fireman's hat. & can somebody post it on his twitter

Mr Director ovah heeere


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Fireboats dont use liquid nitrogen but I still want this faggot to kill himself
He's probably technically correct that it wasn't liquid nitrogen being sprayed from the boats but it's still hilarious (:image_9249:) that being right about such a small thing consumes him to the point that he has to argue over the course of multiple days about it.


Stand Alone Fruit
This is why he’s aged so horribly in the past couple years, Not a forum dedicated to goofing on him. He’s a miserable failure of a man who at 41 has zero on the horizon career wise and would have to start at the bottom of the bottom in any job. His resume alone wouldn’t even get past the first round of review due to huge gaps in employment. His life is fighting with strangers online which is no way to live and what has caused him misery. Pat should be suing twitter for ruining his life and for making him so hefty.


This is why he’s aged so horribly in the past couple years, Not a forum dedicated to goofing on him. He’s a miserable failure of a man who at 41 has zero on the horizon career wise and would have to start at the bottom of the bottom in any job. His resume alone wouldn’t even get past the first round of review due to huge gaps in employment. His life is fighting with strangers online which is no way to live and what has caused him misery. Pat should be suing twitter for ruining his life and for making him so hefty.
Also, he's a faT piece of garbage.


John D’oh!
If Scott Adams said the sky was blue pat would disagree. He's just a fat cunt and still bitter over the pounding he received years ago.

"You're really bad at this" Scott told him. And of course it stung fatso to his core so he adopted it as his own.
Did Scott Adams (of Dilbert fame?) really pwn Patty Mayonnaise?!