1 comment


Boq sucks coq

Nice shitty ragdoll string spaghetti hair stupid


Summer breeze fuckin' makes me feel fi-hiiine
Coops aren't built like they used to be. They're built far, far better. Which means maintaining them properly is more important than ever. Automatic doors can be timed to open at dawn to allow the chickens outside to scratch around and at dusk to roost for the night; allowing you the freedom to plan your 3rd husband's untimely demise.
She's trying to set this up to do as little work as possible and never considered that she has 3 kids who she can order around at her leisure. Mama Vigoda had chickens. Mama Vigoda hardly had fuck all to do with them either, it was my job. Then again, I was never the type of kid to yank a chicken's head off out of nowhere. Those boys look like they have that kind of problem.


Summer breeze fuckin' makes me feel fi-hiiine
I remember on the sub everyone agreed people were going too far by making fun of that 19 year old girl who insulted colin quinn.

Now everyone's fine with insulting a 12 year old girl who insulted nobody?

I'm absolutely disgusted with all of you. Especially Jenna.
These ugly children can go to hell, Douglas.


I remember on the sub everyone agreed people were going too far by making fun of that 19 year old girl who insulted colin quinn.

Now everyone's fine with insulting a 12 year old girl who insulted nobody?

I'm absolutely disgusted with all of you. Especially Jenna.
Not everyone, Flandster. I feel bad for that girl. She was dealt one of the shittiest cards in modern times; a lunatic sperm donor who uses her for social media validation, the tragic loss of the man who stepped up and raised her as his own, and now lives with a poor, creepy pervy looking step-father she probably can't confide in as a developing young woman. Her life is a nightmare I pray she's rescued from.


She's had a rough go. I mean the first one was fucking Pat. No one expected PCJ to pass so young. Getting married again less than a year later though is questionable unless there was some financial reason.
Adrienne's poor as fuck with three little ones to keep fed and housed so it fits she jumped at being with a dude who'll support her. I applaud her for waking up and selling junk she's accumulated. Her pricing and merch may be questionable but if it puts food on the table whatevs. She realized being a consoomer is stupid and the chicken thing is a way to be more self-reliant. Times are tough. Plus, it'll be a good influence on the kids to not become retard shoppers and instead figure out how to provide for loved ones.

The Talking Dead

I'm close to death! Hahahaha hooooooly shit!!
lol she definitely has to be using social media at this point :image_4764:

imagine looking up your dad and he's a famous retard on the internet and your moms facebook marketplace ads undergo serious international analysis

It's weird to think she might actually be aware of this place. His own daughter becoming a Pat poster would be a whole new level of humiliation for Rick even considering all the Ls he's taken over the last 5 years or so.

Uncle J’s Sink Emporium

Enjoy prison, Y’munkoke
Adrienne's poor as fuck with three little ones to keep fed and housed so it fits she jumped at being with a dude who'll support her. I applaud her for waking up and selling junk she's accumulated. Her pricing and merch may be questionable but if it puts food on the table whatevs. She realized being a consoomer is stupid and the chicken thing is a way to be more self-reliant. Times are tough. Plus, it'll be a good influence on the kids to not become retard shoppers and instead figure out how to provide for loved ones.
It will take her 50 years’ worth of eggs to recover the cost of that fucking coop and automatic doors. Maybe walk your fat ass out there twice a day and open the door yourself, whore.

Josef Kuminski

кормить бабушку
I remember on the sub everyone agreed people were going too far by making fun of that 19 year old girl who insulted colin quinn.

Now everyone's fine with insulting a 12 year old girl who insulted nobody?

I'm absolutely disgusted with all of you. Especially Jenna.
She’s probably the most sympathetic person in the entire saga. None of this is her fault and she’s been dealt a not so great hand, especially inheriting 50% of Rick’s genetics. Fingers crossed Ade/Jon and this new guy who may all be white trash, but hopefully they raised her right and she doesn’t turn out like a Ricki Jr.

I’m sure if she ever got into a pickle and needed some kind of financial help, this place would do more to help than her deadbeat lolcow of a sperm donor. “Welp my Cyberstalking cult just paid off my daughters tuition at the local CC/trade school. Felony education financial assistance, enjoy prison!”


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
Not everyone, Flandster. I feel bad for that girl. She was dealt one of the shittiest cards in modern times; a lunatic sperm donor who uses her for social media validation, the tragic loss of the man who stepped up and raised her as his own, and now lives with a poor, creepy pervy looking step-father she probably can't confide in as a developing young woman. Her life is a nightmare I pray she's rescued from.
I agree with all of this but still - Look at her.