What should Anthony's next book be titled?



‘If I did it’

The hand biting vampire chronicles.
Remember when Gavin told his audience that Ant’s security camera footage would exonerate him? And implied it was Ant that told him that? I do. I subscribed back then.

Every time he talks about what a liar Opie is in the clips that Erock puts up on YouTube, none of his ass kissers call him out on the hundreds of lies he has told to - not only his listeners - but his friends.

Those idiots weren’t acting at Oscar worthy levels when they were happy for Anthony going into rehab. Again, unless they all became Laurence Olivier, he had lied to them about his sincerity. You could see the disappointment on Ronnie’s face and Jimmy, too .

What a fraud.

I wouldn’t care if he was still funny.

HH Brother

I wanna fuck you up the ass, funster.