This movie must be for faggots


Yes. I had cyber sex sessions with Leslie.



For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
Hey fatass, the reason you think you watched "four different movies" is because the film was a fucking mess in production and couldn't be fixed in post. That's not a sign of quality.

I know this movie backwards and forwards because it aired roughly twice a year on my local station growing up - never a good sign when said station aired shitty Shock Theater and Monogram/Allied Artists era tripe like "Mr. Wong", Charlie Chan and Attack of the 50 ft. Woman.

It was over-budget for a comedy at the time, lost Warner a ton, it's Blake Edwards worst film and Natalie Wood was drugged up off her ass the whole time. Her sister even admitted that Nat HATED that fucking movie - it was five months of her life filming it, and she was miserable, she just hid it well because she was always a professional.

That movie was supposed to be the comeback of epic slapstick, and it set the genre back for another fucking decade. God awful pacing, there's no consistency with all the tone shifts everywhere, that mincing posey Tony Curtis is just collecting a paycheck, and Jack Lemmon, bless 'im, is trying his damndest in a losing effort. But the biggest offence: 2 hours and 40 minutes! What great fucking comedy is almost 3 hours?

Fucking Pat and his fucking movie opinions FAWKIN' suck!