"This cult has been hunting my family every day for 5 years. And when I say hunting... that's not an exaggeration."


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
He looks way too happy in front of the camera. Sick and delusional pig:


Stand Alone Fruit
The one thing that has prevented him from getting the sympathy he craves is he can’t help but smile when talking about the “dangers” he faces everyday. The one news report he’s almost laughing as he claims people tell the 911 he’s killed his wife.

Just look at any news story about a home getting damaged by extreme weather or victims of a crime and they aren’t finding back laughter as they smile like a retard telling the story of how a tornado took part of their house.

You can also tell he has coached / rehearsed this with Niki “no wife child, I will be the one to mention the serious crimes, just look depressed like you always do”


Stand Alone Fruit
What do you mean by literally hunting, Rick?

2611 N Oakland Ave, everyone knows where you are.
That’s another example of him being an overdramatic fruit. He cries that people know where he lives (since they swat him) but nothing has happened to him over 5 years. He doesn’t even have a scratch on him but also wants you to think people are trying to kill him yet he never leaves the house so he’s not hard to find.


Stand Alone Fruit
The smug smile is always so off-putting.
The fat and overall greasyness don't help either.
It’s because he can’t contain how happy he is to finally be “famous” - even if it’s something as stupid as ridiculous as this. Pat doesn’t care, he gets to be number 1 very important special boy so who cares what he had to do to get here.