That File 770 site is apparently named after a "legendary" baby-raping party that took place in 1951

Big Ass Dick Holder #1488

They are pure evil....
These groups all originally formed so that members had an excuse to meet up and share / distribute child porn amongst eachother. That was the original purpose of almost all of the major scifi conventions. The most notable one is Dragoncon, and as we all know, one of their founders got caught in the act later on.

Why do you think the SFWA raised a bunch of money to defend Delaney after this first arrest? The same reason they blew a bunch of money just to stop Quasi from getting their financial info through the courts. They wanted to throw money at the problem until it was swept under the rug.

The SFWA, File770, and all the major cons, are all fronts for a loosely organized pedophilia organization that has existed since the 50s-60s under the guise of being a science fiction/literature fan group. Not every member is involved, they recruit naive and gullible people to try and make the group appear legitimate using politics and manipulation. They groom and brainwash new members like Oogie to make themselves appear authentic. But a vast majority of them are involved in one way or another. The scifi convention circuit is home to a massive, secretive pedophile ring. The hotel room parties and after-con meetups are where it all happens.
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Stand Alone Fruit
These groups all originally formed so that members had an excuse to meet up and share / distribute child porn amongst eachother. That was the original purpose of almost all of the major scifi conventions. The most notable one is Dragoncon, and as we all know, one of their founders got caught in the act later on.

Why do you think the SFWA raised a bunch of money to defend Delaney after this first arrest? The same reason they blew a bunch of money just to stop Quasi from getting their financial info through the courts. They wanted to throw money at the problem until it was swept under the rug.

The SFWA, File770, and all the major cons, are all fronts for a loosely organized pedophilia organization that has existed since the 50s-60s under the guise of being a science fiction/literature fan group. Not every member is involved, they recruit naive and gullible people to try and make the group appear legitimate using politics and manipulation. They groom and brainwash new members like Oogie to make themselves appear authentic. But a vast majority of them are involved in one way or another. The scifi convention circuit is home to a massive, secretive pedophile ring. The hotel room parties and after-con meetups are where it all happens.
Really explains why the hotel room parties are such a big deal to these creeps. They look forward to shoving a bunch of smelly people in a small room for a reason - and it’s not to enjoy each others company. Also, that “I’m here to help” was specifically protested over pedos in sci fi - of course these sick groups are the only people that would have Pat as a member.

SFWA liaison

Heidi Hildeman customer
Asimov was a member of SFWA and gave them a large endowment

Asimov's son, David, was busted with the largest child exploitation material collection in California's history in 1995

The prosecution completely botched the case and he got off scott free. The name of the US attorney for the Northern District of California in the late 90s? A fellow that goes by Robert Mueller.

Who did Patrick name his cat after as a sign of gratitude?

connect the dots
Asimov was a member of SFWA and gave them a large endowment

Asimov's son, David, was busted with the largest child exploitation material collection in California's history in 1995
I didn't know this but it doesn't surprise me. I read The Gods Themselves once and there's basically a whole chapter about one of the aliens masturbating. Were there ever any SF writers who weren't kid fuckers or otherwise degenerate creeps?


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
These groups all originally formed so that members had an excuse to meet up and share / distribute child porn amongst eachother. That was the original purpose of almost all of the major scifi conventions. The most notable one is Dragoncon, and as we all know, one of their founders got caught in the act later on.

Why do you think the SFWA raised a bunch of money to defend Delaney after this first arrest? The same reason they blew a bunch of money just to stop Quasi from getting their financial info through the courts. They wanted to throw money at the problem until it was swept under the rug.

The SFWA, File770, and all the major cons, are all fronts for a loosely organized KIKE pedophilia organization that has existed since the 50s-60s under the guise of being a science fiction/literature fan group. Not every member is involved, they recruit naive and gullible people to try and make the group appear legitimate using politics and manipulation. They groom and brainwash new members like Oogie to make themselves appear authentic. But a vast majority of them are involved in one way or another. The scifi convention circuit is home to a massive, secretive pedophile ring. The hotel room parties and after-con meetups are where it all happens.