Street shitter advising Pat to shoot people who prank him by taking trash on non-fenced property

Street shitter, tax deadbeat, credit card fraudster, absentee parent, and serial murder threatener who will "blow people away" and "body" them is advising Pat to execute people who go on his property and and show zero violent intentions. As a bonus Pat tells woman stalked by some crazed shine pipe down, my situation is worse despite replying to every tweet for over half a decade. Keep in mind they call Rittenhouse a murderer.
Screenshot 2024-05-22 at 1.56.45 PM.png


I love that garlic buttah saw...
View attachment 200910
If Pat shot a trespasser, even if they were armed and pointing a gun at him, he would go to jail for murder. His state requires a duty to retreat. Coming outside with a loaded gun is not retreating. Nice shithole state retard.
Nice 14-year-old map, stupid. Looks like they have changed slightly. I had to check for a new map as I was shocked Arkansas of all places didn't have a law.


Sue Lightning

Nice 14-year-old map, stupid. Looks like they have changed slightly. I had to check for a new map as I was shocked Arkansas of all places didn't have a law.

View attachment 200913
I realized after I posted it because another map said Wisconsin has castle doctrine…for vehicles??? So you can shoot someone trying to carjack you but not rob your home.

Although to be fair that one was probably outdated too


He poisons himself and expects the world to die.
I mean either way the point still stands, Pat can’t just shoot someone taking bricks from his fireplace unless they’re literally throwing them at his head
He should really check himself if he really is willing to shoot a random person that isn't attacking him. He won't of course, but luckily his Real Life Tough Guy and Gun Guy larp is just that.

SFWA liaison

Heidi Hildeman customer
This is a common Pattyverse pattern: each wants the rest of the pack to do something retarded that they wouldn't do themselves. Be it a lawsuit, harass strangers on baseless grounds, shoot backyard lesbians, self-ridicule in public

this is why Pat walks ballwashers right into the arena. Come, Hildy child, have your sister's prostitution career be exposed and her pussy pictures distributed!