Something up w/Anicas twitter


Crumbly feta is not God's Plan
I'm cruising around the Patverse and decide to hit up hog_mild's twitter and saw this. Joined in May 2021? 5 followers? Did she delete and start over again? Was someone having a little fun and she ran away? And how did Pat end up in her twitter banner?



Stand Alone Fruit
Maybe she’s finally realized her awful social media posts could be preventing her from getting an actual respectable job. All her “creative” career aspirations have dried up and she’s not getting any younger no woman survives hitting the wall. Some companies now make you sign social media agreements where you promise to be good on Facebook, Twitter, etc. so they can fire you legally if you post things they don’t like because you violated the agreement. I have a couple friends that are teachers and they pretty much can’t post ANYTHING in fears of it coming back to hurt them.


Maybe she’s finally realized her awful social media posts could be preventing her from getting an actual respectable job. All her “creative” career aspirations have dried up and she’s not getting any younger no woman survives hitting the wall. Some companies now make you sign social media agreements where you promise to be good on Facebook, Twitter, etc. so they can fire you legally if you post things they don’t like because you violated the agreement. I have a couple friends that are teachers and they pretty much can’t post ANYTHING in fears of it coming back to hurt them.
Nope, she decided to double down and change her name to gogurtjizz