She loves ANAL and all....

Rodeo Clown

β€Ž why is she giving legal advice? Especially while calling herself a "risk expert". What liability does the employer have for a guy who makes videos? Maybe he embarrasses them at worst but firing him puts them at risk for a lawsuit. Crazy deadbeat cunt.
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These unemployed bums have no clue how anything works in the real world. No one gives a fuck about Internet drama. When that Google memo dork was fired, it was every faggot on Twitter ganging up on him and demanding that Google fire him. Not three unhinged, pedo-defending, child-abandoning debtors.


By the way, was Dan just blowing smoke when he said that he going to sue these losers if they continued to defame him? There is no evidence tying him to this non-crime. The evidence actually now points to Pat orchestrating all of it himself.

We need to circle the wagons around our ringleader and setup some kind of GoFundMe to defend Dan from these attacks.

SFWA liaison

Heidi Hildeman customer
companies are famously very liable for the fatphobic podcasts of their staff, thankfully I know a certain federal judge who can pull some strings for Insight and have it all swiped under the rug

All these unemployed bums living off of the largess of the State pretending to know the inner workings of corporations based off of TV shows is fascinating because if they spent as much time bettering themselves as they do keeping up the LARP they'd actually achieve some of the status they seek.

Rodeo Clown

companies are famously very liable for the fatphobic podcasts of their staff, thankfully I know a certain federal judge who can pull some strings for Insight and have it all swiped under the rug

All these unemployed bums living off of the largess of the State pretending to know the inner workings of corporations based off of TV shows is fascinating because if they spent as much time bettering themselves as they do keeping up the LARP they'd actually achieve some of the status they seek.
I worked at a very good paying union job for years and I loved slacking but at some point it was easier to do a little work than try to get out of every little job. In the case of the Pat pack.... nigs are gonna nig.


With gusto and style, micropenis.
Rick has never had a job and doesn't understand how anything works.

Dan is probably pulling in $200k/year as a senior account manager in the SaaS industry. He makes them a lot of money. They're not just going to fire him because two fat slobs on twitter tell them to
It's also not hard to walk over to the marketing department and tell the 23 year old broad running their twitter to block Rick and Snackie. Even if a manager ever became aware of the situation, it's a two-minute conversation that would end in laughter.


Rick has never had a job and doesn't understand how anything works.

Dan is probably pulling in $200k/year as a senior account manager in the SaaS industry. He makes them a lot of money. They're not just going to fire him because two fat slobs on twitter tell them to
It's also not hard to walk over to the marketing department and tell the 23 year old broad running their twitter to block Rick and Snackie. Even if a manager ever became aware of the situation, it's a two-minute conversation that would end in laughter.
I still have no clue what Insight Software does. They have one of those websites where it's impossible for you to figure out what the product is until you set up a consultation.

SFWA liaison

Heidi Hildeman customer
how retarded is Nikki in particular, a business owner, liking a tweet about businesses having legal exposure for "felony continued employment"? Mind you these are the same libtards who advocate for real criminals to be reinserted into society, given jobs, abolish prisons etc

They should name Insight as defendant on their lawsuit if they take Jackie seriosuly (they don't, they laugh at her in private)