Pat attacks Leslie again


Stand Alone Fruit
Why does he love attacking women?


I love that she really pisses him off


Stand Alone Fruit
Pat hasn't released a book in 4 years and has no contract for Tiny Tim in Space

he's envious of Leslie's real actual true career in publishing
What’s great is not only do we see successful people in his industry shit on him for being a piece of shit but any author with any credibility knows to stay away from the shit storm that is Pat. He has self-publish guys that maybe sell 5-6 books total as ballwashers now.


May St. Mel bless you
Pat hasn't released a book in 4 years and has no contract for Tiny Tim in Space

he's envious of Leslie's real actual true career in publishing

He feels impotent because he can't get her fired. He cares more about ruining Leslie than being a working writer. It's the same reason chronically online losers try to get people fired for having wrong opinions. The only way they can feel power as losers is to known someone down to the same sorry level they are at.


Stand Alone Fruit
He feels impotent because he can't get her fired. He cares more about ruining Leslie than being a working writer. It's the same reason chronically online losers try to get people fired for having wrong opinions. The only way they can feel power as losers is to known someone down to the same sorry level they are at.
This is very true - Pat and Jackie want everyone to be as sad and miserable as they are. They really can’t stand it so many here don’t fit the tired old “loser living in moms basement” as many of us have families and successful careers.


I hope people Ouija you tweets after your dead
Pat’s ongoing insistence that he’s employed (beyond the maid shifts, of course, that he doesn’t acknowledge, and he is NOT selling insurance, stlaker, that’s your delusions again) is very funny. His book is “being sold” right now, supposedly.

So what are you up to, Pat? What’s making you money? What is your job?