Not just a US political expert but a UK one, the return of Limey Pat

No foreign interference Pat, is opining on UK politics using "Tories" and "Buggered". God save the Pig.
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Most Labour voters voted for Brexit and it’s why Starmer has made sure to keep any talk of another referendum or rejoining the EU out of Labours manifesto. What fat dumb Americans like Pat don’t seem to realise is that leaving the EU was always a left wing cause and it was the Tories that forced Britain into the union.

Dennis Denuto

It's the vibe
Most Labour voters voted for Brexit and it’s why Starmer has made sure to keep any talk of another referendum or rejoining the EU out of Labours manifesto. What fat dumb Americans like Pat don’t seem to realise is that leaving the EU was always a left wing cause and it was the Tories that forced Britain into the union.
This is how much he knows about britpol
Most Labour voters voted for Brexit and it’s why Starmer has made sure to keep any talk of another referendum or rejoining the EU out of Labours manifesto. What fat dumb Americans like Pat don’t seem to realise is that leaving the EU was always a left wing cause and it was the Tories that forced Britain into the union.
also the lower/poorer classes who are generally Labour voters were the ones experiencing the sharp-end of immigration (entry house prices, unskilled work, etc), & that's what Brexit was sold-on, even if it actually made no difference