Nice failed pretentious drivel, stupid.









Still spreading the O&A virus
He financed this film partially. The week before it was set to premier the stories of him whacking it in front of women like a soulless kike were reported. The companies behind him pulled the movie from distribution. He purchased the movie with his own money to release it on his own. Movie bombed when released. He probably lost a few hundred-thousand of his own money. And had to return $5million for the distribution rights.

Movie is about a Jew whose daughter only likes him for his money. But he redeems himself as a father despite the perversions of Hollywood by making a legitimate art movie and showing his daughter how talented he really is. And that he does not use the casting couch or sleep with young women. Meanwhile in real life he is a no talent Jew pervert and his daughters most likely hate him now. He is basically like Harvey Weinstein with less political connections.


On the Joe Cumia retirement plan.
Louis CK, like most of these fags, has never been genuinely liked or popular in their entire lives. When they get famous and other retards who never would have given a shit before love them just for being famous they have no idea what the fuck to do.