Missy Wants You to Know If She Dies…

Anthony's Lime Rickey

Anthony Cumia is a Pedophile

… it’s not the vaccine
She should factor in Nana’s fist
What's this dumb bitch trying to say?

She thinks the Covid vaccine is responsible for any and all deaths by anyone who received it. Got the vax in 2021 and you've been diagnosed with lung cancer in 2024? It was the vax. Hit by a car? Vax. Heart attack? Vax.

So when she's dying of a Covid related illness, at least it won't be the vax that kills her. Does Missy think she'd be failing at BJJ with a pair of Forrest Gump leg braces? Does she ever wonder why she's never had smallpox?
She thinks the Covid vaccine is responsible for any and all deaths by anyone who received it. Got the vax in 2021 and you've been diagnosed with lung cancer in 2024? It was the vax. Hit by a car? Vax. Heart attack? Vax.

So when she's dying of a Covid related illness, at least it won't be the vax that kills her. Does Missy think she'd be failing at BJJ with a pair of Forrest Gump leg braces? Does she ever wonder why she's never had smallpox?
here comes the jew to defend the vaccines, it all adds up since your people manufactured this in a lab and released it.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
The only thing worse than anti-vaxx fags are the pro-vaxx fags. Nice licking Big Brother's boots, stupids.

But going on about it in 2024 on either side of the argument is fucking retarded and a desperate plea for attention. Anthony continues to pretend to be a right wing conservative, so naturally Missy, absent of any ideas of her own, emulates this with 4 year old speaking points.
She thinks the Covid vaccine is responsible for any and all deaths by anyone who received it. Got the vax in 2021 and you've been diagnosed with lung cancer in 2024? It was the vax. Hit by a car? Vax. Heart attack? Vax.

Which is just hilarious but infuriating bc these drooling zombies claimed the government was doing that exact thing to inflate covid deaths.

I have one or two conservative opinions on issues, but the modern Republican base is just obstinate dipshits. Just stubborn, bratty stupidity. It’s not more complicated than that.