Missy (Melissa Birrittella) hates women too!


I was chest-bumped, alroight!

The same barren cunt that's still a blue belt despite training Jiu Jitsu for a decade.

Does SC have any female only gyms where she can stack the mats at?

Sue Lightning

She thinks doing this shit, if they ever DID resegregate society based on sex, the guys would go “Hey Missy, you were one of the good ones, YOU can work out with us!” Obviously would never happen, because there never is a “good one” to these people. You’re only SLIGHTLY good, but thats if you keep shitting on your own people and thus yourself.

Seriously imagine if there were a black guy retweeting everything Ant said. “You’re right - We DO need to behave!”. And if Ant got in control he wouldn’t remember the platitudes of that dude and spare him, he’s just another stupid nigger who helped him achieve his goals by throwing himself on the sword.


bury the dead, they stink up the joint
Pinesap should throw himself into a quarry. There's no advantage to men and women working out in the same gym? Yeah there is. You don't have to build TWO gyms, stupid.

I think this guy might have other more "mysterious" reasons for wanting a guys only gym.



Pinesap should throw himself into a quarry. There's no advantage to men and women working out in the same gym? Yeah there is. You don't have to build TWO gyms, stupid.

I think this guy might have other more "mysterious" reasons for wanting a guys only gym.

I hope his trip to Rome was as shit as mine and he was accosted by niggers selling bracelets multiple times when he tried to take that photo.