Minor e-celebs beef over Groomia


"AnTi-swaTTing laws"
Did Nana not respond to mershs letter or something? That faggot has had to know just as long as we have that Nana is a pederast. Turning against him now just comes across as phony and opportunistic. Then again thats mersh for ya. Ah what da hell do I know I get my container of coffee and wait for red bar to explain this clip to me over seven hours.

Single Action Army

We ain't goon hooligans we Maloonigans
Aaron Steeltoe tried really hard to.

He talks with the exact same cadence as Ant. Imagine being 40 something and still trying to get your shitass Youtube radio show off the ground, especially after this supposed wake-up call with the Rekeita shit.
Dumb nigger is the biggest clout sucker imaginable.


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
Aren't we going to go with "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" shit in this case?


I can't on Mersh.

Where Nana is a has been, Mersh is a never was. He's a devout leech, and from what I've read, the people who hate him, HATE him for justifiable reasons.

Frankly both of these fucking pillocks could die tomorrow of a heart attack, and I wouldn't feel anything. Maybe a twinge of a smile at most.
I can't on Mersh.

Where Nana is a has been, Mersh is a never was. He's a devout leech, and from what I've read, the people who hate him, HATE him for justifiable reasons.

Frankly both of these fucking pillocks could die tomorrow of a heart attack, and I wouldn't feel anything. Maybe a twinge of a smile at most.
I've seen the Porsalin documentary about Mersh and he's a grifting piece of shit, but Anthony definitely is the worst out of the two.

Mustard's affectation

still rockin' the hawk
r/Mersh is still around, calling Mersh a fag everyday, making fun of him for being a fat opportunistic piece of shit, It's the only funny subreddit left.

Mersh even went after people actively trying to stop pedophilia in Hollywood because he wasn't getting the clout he wanted all for himself. Look up his Gabe Hoffman feud. Don't support this fat faggot
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For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
r/Mersh is still around, calling Mersh a fag everyday, making fun of him for being a fat opportunistic piece of shit, It's the only good subreddit left.

Mersh even went after people actively trying to stop pedophilia in Hollywood because he wasn't getting the clout he wanted all for himself. Look up his Gabe Hoffman feud. Don't support this fat faggot

I know Anthony is a far worse person, but it doesn't whitewash Mersh in any way.

Bill Murray hated Chevy Chase for years because he's a cunt, and I agree with it. I even like Bill Murray in his movies, but he's just as much of a misanthropic cunt as Chevy. What people like them do is deflect.

Anthony deflects just so you don't notice his windowless cargo van full of candy during the school day.


I was roasting Nana constantly on xwitter and he didn’t block me until I brought up selfcuttinggirl. I love that he’s trying to rebrand as a based conservative and Missy is his traditional Christian gf (yeeeuck). I feel like it would be pretty easy to get right wing social media grifters to absolutely bury Coombio because his history as a pedo is so well documented and it would be an easy layup for content.