"Looks like they used your bus to express their free speech. What's the problem?"


Nice For Here




(This post is not meant to imply that the Plaintiff did not vandalize his own property)

Will Tate

Oven March
Free speech only extends as far as Mama Raven's Special Important Genius Actual Tough Guy Boy. If you own property and it's vandalized by rampaging coons or degenerate queers, just shut up and take it, but if you call him fat you're going to prison.

Just delete your Twitter account, Pat, it's the best thing you could do for your case.

Will Tate

Oven March
Sometimes I have this short fantasy in which I happen upon Fatrick in the wild on a sidewalk, bent over to tie his shoes. And I come up from behind with a running start in steel toe boots and kick him square in the taint, causing him to keel over into a fetal position and defecate in his pants with no underwear on. Then I twist his nips and fart in his face before leaving the scene.


"AnTi-swaTTing laws"
Hes such a terrible and unimaginative writer. What the fuck do you vandalize a motorcycle with? A sharpie? You can't spray paint a legible and eye catching dog whistle on a motorcycle. The side of a car? Sure. Even when I try to put myself in his fat shoes I would just say we put swastikas everywhere. They can be drawn quickly, they're eye catching, and I bet a lot of retards out there would sympathize with him and believe the story because nazis are literally everywhere, child. He should seriously consider salads.