It will never stop being funny that Patty Kool-Aid-Man'd himself into that hearing


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Just awkwardly ground everything to a halt so he could raise his hand and butt in while the professionals were trying to talk.

I can just imagine the little piggy sweating and squealing behind his computer - "This isn't how it's supposed to be going, child! I decide how the law works!". *raises hand*

Oh Patty. When will you ever learn 🐷🐷
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I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
Just awkwardly ground everything to a halt so he could raise his hand and butt in while the professionals were trying to talk.

I can just imagine the little piggy sweating and squealing behind his computer - "This isn't how it's supposed to be going, child! I decide how the law works!". *raises hand*

Oh Patty. When will you ever learn 🐷🐷
as bad as his lawyer was doing, Pat thought he knew more about the law than an actual lawyer. Hilarious. Though he didn't have much of a case there to begin with, since as anyone who LisTened to the Judge explain section 230 would know.


The gunslinger.
as bad as his lawyer was doing, Pat thought he knew more about the law than an actual lawyer. Hilarious. Though he didn't have much of a case there to begin with, since as anyone who LisTened to the Judge explain section 230 would know.

In the case of Brinton β€œobtaining evidence illegally and lying by omission using it” Resto and Stavros β€œrepeat the same argument 10 times after being told each time to try something else” Esquire he very well may have known more than they did.