I took remedial biology in community college, child


Crapper Pig MD.jpg


Yes child, I regularly discuss sports medicine with orthopedic surgeons while stuffing my fat face with chili cheese dogs at some dive bar. I'm sorry you're so stupid.


Stand Alone Fruit
"What research have I done, child? I talked to a guy in a bar who said he's a doctor. Shhh, little nothing."

Not a shred of self awareness. How ignorant do you have to be to post this reply and think it proves your point? What an absurd man.
You know it’s a lie because it involves an adult with a respectable career talking to an unemployed man child. Pat can’t relate to adults, especially successful ones.


Stand Alone Fruit
Yeah, I'm sure a Buck Fixer hangs out in the same shithole divebar this fat cunt frequents and can't afford to go drink somewhere that has an ounce of class.
That’s the biggest lie here, that an NBA teams doctor who is obviously paid very well and has for a long time is hanging out in a shitty bar regularly. Plus this doctor spends his time talking about this EXACT topic with a unemployed sci fi writer often? He’s so obsessed with being “right” on Internet arguments he comes up with the most insane lies.


He probably talked to a low-level trainer for the Bucks(the faggots who stretch the players or give them water), but no way is it the teams head doctor.

Plus, I like how he’s pro-weed maahhhhhhnnnn but stated he would never touch it. If it’s so safe and you did the research, why not partake? I’m a pothead and the fact P@t is defending it, makes me want to quit.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
One of my more favorite hangouts

Professional author. He wants so badly to be smart but he's just a dumb fucking rube. Embrace what you truly are, pig tits.


Stand Alone Fruit
He probably talked to a low-level trainer for the Bucks(the faggots who stretch the players or give them water), but no way is it the teams head doctor.

Plus, I like how he’s pro-weed maahhhhhhnnnn but stated he would never touch it. If it’s so safe and you did the research, why not partake? I’m a pothead and the fact P@t is defending it, makes me want to quit.
He’s full on weed expert right now on twitter. Rasta Pat is born! He’s never even smoked and makes the lamest weed jokes (durrr munchies mannnn) because he’s never touched it. That’s how big of a loser he is, nobody has ever offered to get high with him.