He's a literally gay, old booktuber, and posts like fifty videos a day cause he bored and lonely. Here's an example of him shitting on the overpraised pos book The Road. He likes being controversial like any gay person does
BUT He's usually very sharp and insightful and is very snooty with his opinions which I like, and which is prefferable over your average faggy booktuber who basically loves everything and doesnt say anything negative really cause he or she doesnt want to offend an audience or fandom or whatever, and then you have the opposite which is the faggy booktuber that hates absolutely everything-- so mostly classics written by white guys, like that Welsh youtuber KDBooks who hates Shakespeare but thinks Salman Rushdie is a genius -- but will heap praise on the latest Booker prize-winning novel by a queer poc.
But this old guy Steve is relatively balanced and shits on "millenial pc thinking" but he's not a racist or anything, he's fare-minded and loves shitting on millenial booktubers in the most snooty way possible, so therer's some comedy value here if you enjoy gay catfights. But he says some stupid shit sometimes like that if a movie studio makes an adaptation of your favorite book and that if the characters are race swapped or gender swapped or a straight character is changed to a gay one and you dont like that than you're a bigot.
Welsh self-hating white faggot, for reference. He also hates americans and was shitting on an Italian Youtuber who likes American ficiton and told his audience "no one outside of American cares what the Great American Novel is" but then makes a video about his opinion on what is a GAN novel or not. Fat faggot
He's a literally gay, old booktuber, and posts like fifty videos a day cause he bored and lonely. Here's an example of him shitting on the overpraised pos book The Road. He likes being controversial like any gay person does
BUT He's usually very sharp and insightful and is very snooty with his opinions which I like, and which is prefferable over your average faggy booktuber who basically loves everything and doesnt say anything negative really cause he or she doesnt want to offend an audience or fandom or whatever, and then you have the opposite which is the faggy booktuber that hates absolutely everything-- so mostly classics written by white guys, like that Welsh youtuber KDBooks who hates Shakespeare but thinks Salman Rushdie is a genius -- but will heap praise on the latest Booker prize-winning novel by a queer poc.
But this old guy Steve is relatively balanced and shits on "millenial pc thinking" but he's not a racist or anything, he's fare-minded and loves shitting on millenial booktubers in the most snooty way possible, so therer's some comedy value here if you enjoy gay catfights. But he says some stupid shit sometimes like that if a movie studio makes an adaptation of your favorite book and that if the characters are race swapped or gender swapped or a straight character is changed to a gay one and you dont like that than you're a bigot.
Welsh self-hating white faggot, for reference. He also hates americans and was shitting on an Italian Youtuber who likes American ficiton and told his audience "no one outside of American cares what the Great American Novel is" but then makes a video about his opinion on what is a GAN novel or not. Fat faggot
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