Sue Lightning

From what my buddy tells me, Sam was smary little backstabbing worm

Your buddy isn't wrong.

If you wanna be intern king, you gotta spend a lot of time with them and get to know them. For many years, I had stuff to do from 5am to 2pm. I didn't have time to fuck off with the interns. Sam did. He would prep from 5 to 6 and when the show went live, that was his time to do weird intern shit with Kenny.

Backstabbing is up for debate I suppose. Than & Sam worked until Than left. Sam could have done something with Than still. Then the dream of Than & Sam wasn't important to him. Sam & Dave was a thing until Dave left and then the dream of Sam & Dave wasn't that important. Sam & Dave could have done stuff still. After all that, Opie thought Sam would be his guy. Opie never saw the pattern and we saw what happened there. Jim & Sam works because Jim doesn't give a fuck either way.

Sam's mantra is "Do I still get to be on the air? OK!"

Than left. "Do I still get to be on the air? OK!"
Dave left. "Do I still get to be on the air? OK!"
We're firing Opie. "Do I still get to be on the air? OK!"

When Jim decides to leave, Sam will ask, "Do I still get to be on the air? OK!"
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Sue Lightning

the shit that Sam did to interns, and how nobody has bothered to dig it up on him..shows how little anyone cares about his WWE gig.

I work with someone who grew up with Sam, (chances that I’d run into someone in ChiTown) but gonna get that fella to share stories via text, and I’ll share ‘em here. Also pretty sure same guy lurks here too.
Lol Vince has the DOJ looking into him for shitting on womens heads and pimping out women to wrestlers. Sam retard antics are tame

Sue Lightning

That whole story is still wild and I can't believe it came and went so fast. That girl was cute and petite getting shit on by Vince and fisted by Brock Lesnar. Fucking insane.
We’re literally living in the rape era. MJ, Diddy, R Kelly, Cosby, Weinstein, Matt Lauer…you can just go up and down the list from minor actors to politicians. So yeah, Vince Mcmahon shits on a womans head. What are we even shocked by anymore.

But to not make a joke I think people blew it off as “Well its one womans accusation lets see”. But the fact that she paused the suit so the DOJ can do it’s own independent investigation suit is huge and I literally saw nothing about it. (Although to be fair that was yesterday, when another rapist got convicted on something completely unrelated)

Front 242

Bad Boy Bubby
Sam is more successful than all of you combined. He's married to a banging hot chick :brothaman_sm:, gets paid to riff daily with the legendary Jim Norton, has the iconic Jocktober segment as just one staggering achievement among his long list of accolades, went toe to toe with Patrice in his prime, successfully jived and ultimately defeated a gaggle of interns, producers, and even the Opester himself. Hell, he got juiced up on growth hormones as a kid so he's got a piece he wouldn't be afraid to let hang in the locker room... Sam Roberts even has a successful podcast.

Why all the hate gang? Seems like a lot of sour grapes in these threads!

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