Sue Lightning



Anthony's Lime Rickey

Anthony Cumia is a Pedophile
Zionist Jews, (the ones who support war crimes in gaza) are the typical shit provokers and then scream anti semitism when anyone dare point out that killing civilians is wrong. Crazy that such a small percent of jewish views, have that much control over US Politics in regards to shit going down in gaza. Biden isn't doing jack shit about it either, other than saying you better not do that.
Bibi is a real piece of shit.

Anthony's Lime Rickey

Anthony Cumia is a Pedophile
I'm getting really tired of these Jews acting it up pretending October 7th was this unprovoked attack while they have been genociding Palestinians since the illegal declaration of the state of Israel.
Bibi knew it was coming, and let it happen. Will say Hamas is just as bad has what Bibi is pulling, and stuck in the middle are innocent jewish and palestine people, and considering how stupid some of my fellow gen Z faggots are; who are gonna protes not Biden over it. You really think Trump is gonna be any fucking better?
One of them can sorta keep Bibi on leash, the other just let him roll over Gaza day fucking 1.
Bibi knew it was coming, and let it happen. Will say Hamas is just as bad has what Bibi is pulling, and stuck in the middle are innocent jewish and palestine people, and considering how stupid some of my fellow gen Z faggots are; who are gonna protes not Biden over it. You really think Trump is gonna be any fucking better?
One of them can sorta keep Bibi on leash, the other just let him roll over Gaza day fucking 1.
Hamas wouldn't exist if Israel didn't do what they are doing.

Mr. Faggotry

The world’s expert on faggotry
Oct 7 was fawkin brooooodal but I don't know if you can compare it to 9/11 to be perfectly honest witcha
Was it? Cause it seems like most of the “atrocities” that supposedly happened didn’t actually happen. Obviously people died but the original stories of rape and beheaded babies ware literally fake news. The videos that they invited famous Jews to come back to the homeland and view was also probably fake.