Dis nigga needs money so he can show up in his pj's



this mfer literally lives with people in mud huts. He sells products at American rates. $10 for him is probably like $500 where he lives. i dont understand? you mean he doesnt sell books and only gets nominated for token pedo awards?


Capitalism is the fairest system there is. Most get by, the most energetic, creative, entrepreneurial get rich, the losers sink to the bottom. Guess which group this useless nigger is in.
captialism is still communism in this country. but if you're smart enough you can come from nothing and live a comfortable life.


Lol no. Scarves, bonnets, caps durags etc. Just traps the scent of unwashed scalp. Not uncommon to go 2 to 3 months without washing

In my middle school biology class we did an experiment where everyone took a hair off their head and put it in a petri dish and we tracked the growth of bacteria on the hair. The black girl in the class has easily 5x more bacteria than everyone else on hers. It was really disgusting.