Chad Zumock makes Fez’s death about himself



keep in mind, he knows Fez as well as any asshole who never met him and only “listened” to Ron and Fez.

Make sure to plug you were on Bennington “countless times”. Making it apparent Chad can’t count to 20 without taking off his shoes


Weird how you live in Florida and don’t have a pic with Fez, but still had to post a picture of you with Bennington, Gail, and Hicks for clout, thats pretty fucking pathetic

“Hey I never met Fez, but I met Ron, see were all happy without Fez”

Kinda tone deaf dont ya think?

I hate this credit card fraudster who stole peoples wallets during the pandemic, and I hate his fake nice guy act.


choke you to sleep, slap you awake
I never met Fez and I've been crying for 4 days.

You gonna attend the funeral service and heckle the speakers too?

Do we need to verify how many hours of listening time we have logged before we're allowed to cope with each other?

I neglected to hit 'enter' on my 9 paragraph word vomit eulogy, I wouldn't want to post any Cringe while the content cops are on patrol.