Yall niggas including myself was sleeping at the wheel on this one because the ball has been rolling for a while and we missed several dates. Here's what you need to know:
Betsy Resto has been sued by a manlet Spic after she accused him of being a rapist. The next court date is Thursday, 12 January at 10:00AM - Branch 31 Room 402 You can view the case here:
[URL unfurl="true"]https://wcca.wicourts.gov/caseDetail.html?caseNo=2022CV005322&countyNo=40&index=0[/URL]
As you can see, court hearings still take place via Zoom. It should also be noted that she retained her own noted twink faggot brother to represent her, along with this guy.
[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.gklaw.com/people/Spahn_Brian.htm[/URL]
Wait a second. Is that...
Betsy Resto has been sued by a manlet Spic after she accused him of being a rapist. The next court date is Thursday, 12 January at 10:00AM - Branch 31 Room 402 You can view the case here:
[URL unfurl="true"]https://wcca.wicourts.gov/caseDetail.html?caseNo=2022CV005322&countyNo=40&index=0[/URL]
As you can see, court hearings still take place via Zoom. It should also be noted that she retained her own noted twink faggot brother to represent her, along with this guy.
[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.gklaw.com/people/Spahn_Brian.htm[/URL]
Wait a second. Is that...